0330-1226320 (Free Call)
MON - FRI 08:30am - 8pm

Registration or Renewal​

Is this a new Registration?

What type of business or organisation are you?

What kind of registration do you need?

The charge for this is £275.00 + VAT, which will register you for 3 years

You are upper tier if you:
  • Carry other people's waste
  • Carry your own construction or demolition waste
  • Arrange for waste from other businesses to be carried, recovered, or disposed of
  • Buy or sell waste, or use an agent to do so

The charge for this is £49.99 + VAT, which will register you for 3 years

You are lower tier if you:
  • Only carry waste produced by your own business unless it's construction or demolition waste
  • Only work with animal by-products, mining and quarry waste or waste from agricultural premises
  • Are a charity or voluntary organisation

Do you carry the waste?

Confirm The Business Name You Would Like To Appear On The Waste Licence

What's the company Address?

Business owner details

Has anyone in the organisation's management been convicted of an enviornmental offence in the last 12 months?

Who should we contact about this registration?Tell us who to contact if we need to confirm any details.

Confirm Business Information

The information provided below will appear on the Waste Licence.

Business Owner Details Edit
Name Loading...
Email Loading...
Mobile Loading...
Date of Birth Loading...
Selected Service Price + VAT Loading...
Company Address or Trading Address Edit
Post Code Loading...
Business Address Loading...
Thank You for your information.

The relevant registration is for an Upper Tier Waste Carrier.

Loading... , which will register you for 3 years.


  • By registering, you confirm that the information you have provided is true.
  • You can be prosecuted and fined up to £5,000 if you give false or misleading information.
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